Sun 10 Jan 2010

No Ge6/6ii were expected to be out but 607 was booked to work the Glacier Express from Chur to Disentis and back. Again, the best chance for the sun appeared to be the Ilanz area and this time there was actually some blue sky. Unfortunately the sun never managed to break through the cloud hanging over the mountains. This time the expected loco did produce but it wasn’t worth photographing in the gloom. Time for another ride around, this time via Reichenau-Tamins, Samedan, Pontresina, Sagliains, Klosters and Davos to Filisur. After climbing through the gloom to Preda, it was galling to encounter clear blue skies in the Engadin, too late to actually get out and take some photos. Locomotive highlights were 607 on Glacier 903 at Ilanz, 602, 609 on the Bergün – Preda Schlittelzüge, 604, 606 and 608 on the Engadin push-pulls and 605 and 610 on the Klosters – Davos Sportzüge.

Quite a contrast to Saturday with none of the Ge6/6ii rostered to turn a wheel all day. However every single Ge4/4i was out on passenger work!


  • 601 1327 & 1360 Landquart - St.Moritz & vv duty 202 vice Ge6/6ii
  • 602 829, Bergun - Preda shuttles, 858 duty 65
  • 603 1360 (piloted 601 from Samedan to LQ)
  • 604 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina duty 31
  • 605 Klosters - Davos shuttles duty 49
  • 606 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina duty 32
  • 607 Glaciers 903 & 910 Chur - Disentis & vv duty 313 vice Ge4/4ii
  • 608 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina duty 34
  • 609 Bergun - Preda shuttles duty 411
  • 610 Klosters - Davos shuttles duty 50
The other Ge6/6ii duty, 206 on the Chur - St.Moritz route, was worked by 652.

New unit 3502 was on test between Samedan and Poschiavo again on unadvertised extras that were available to travel on, not that I expect many group members to be interested.