Class 73
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The Class 73 Electro-Diesels were built for the Southern Region in the 1960s and were 750V DC electrics with a small diesel engine to provide power away from the 3rd rail. GBRF retains a small fleet and several of these were rebuilt with more powerful diesels from 2014 for test trains and the Caledonian Sleeper.
The first 6 Class 73s were built at Eastleigh in 1962 and were followed by a further 43 built by English Electric between 1965 and 1967. They were fitted with a small 600hp diesel engine to enable them to access non-electrified sidings and work engineering trains when the power was switched off.

For years they rarely strayed far from the Southern Region but that changed when GBRf had a number re-engined with 1600hp diesel engines. Some of these Class 73/9 rebuilds are now the regular power for the Caledonian Sleeper north of Edinburgh, while others are based at Tonbridge for working Network Rail test trains. Their test train duties regularly take them to Derby and also to the MerseyRail 750V DC lines.
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