Switzerland : 16 - 23 February 2011 : Day by Day
31/07/12 17:21
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Wednesday 16 February 2011
31/07/12 17:21 | Wed 16 Feb 2011
A very early start got me to Heathrow in time to catch the 06:00 Swiss flight to Zürich. We touched down at Zürich bang on the scheduled arrival time of 08:40 and exactly 30 minutes later I was sitting on a train leaving Zürich Flughafen for Zürich HB having passed through immigration, collected my luggage and bought a ticket. Even in Switzerland it isn’t usually this good. Before leaving home I’d thought the chances of catching the 09:37 from Zürich HB to Chur were very slim but I made it with time to spare. Arrival at Chur was one minute early at 10:51 but again there was a race against time to get my BÜGA ticket issued and still make the 10:58 departure to Filisur. The clock showed 10:57:45 when I hit the platform and as soon as I was on board, we were off. I’d expected to arrive at Filisur at 14:00, or 13:00 if I was really lucky, but actually got there at 12:00. The afternoon was spent at the Landwasser Viaduct overlook until the hazy sun gave up trying around 15:00, at which point, so did I.
Trains seen were very much as expected with solid Ge4/4iiis on the Chur - St. Moritz trains (641, 643, 647, 648, 649, 652) and two Ge4/4iii (642, 651) on the Landquart - Davos - Filisur trains along with three ABe8/12s (3506, 3510, 35xx). The only surprise was that 642 was on one of the duties booked for a unit and a unit was on one of the duties booked for a loco. Something to watch in future.
A more pleasant surprise was getting double Ge4/4is (607, 608) on freight 5152, which is booked for a single Ge4/4i. Both locos were working. Several other freights were seen during the day, all with the booked Ge6/6iis but only 705 (on 5135) was positively identified. Ge4/4i 603 was seen light engine at Chur at 11:58, presumably getting ready to work the westbound Glacier Express to Disentis as booked.
The highest numbered ABe8/12 seen was 3512. As 12 units are required to work the service from 7 March, it looks like the Ge4/4is will probably lose all their booked work from that date.
Full details of the locos seen are listed below.
Trains seen were very much as expected with solid Ge4/4iiis on the Chur - St. Moritz trains (641, 643, 647, 648, 649, 652) and two Ge4/4iii (642, 651) on the Landquart - Davos - Filisur trains along with three ABe8/12s (3506, 3510, 35xx). The only surprise was that 642 was on one of the duties booked for a unit and a unit was on one of the duties booked for a loco. Something to watch in future.
A more pleasant surprise was getting double Ge4/4is (607, 608) on freight 5152, which is booked for a single Ge4/4i. Both locos were working. Several other freights were seen during the day, all with the booked Ge6/6iis but only 705 (on 5135) was positively identified. Ge4/4i 603 was seen light engine at Chur at 11:58, presumably getting ready to work the westbound Glacier Express to Disentis as booked.
The highest numbered ABe8/12 seen was 3512. As 12 units are required to work the service from 7 March, it looks like the Ge4/4is will probably lose all their booked work from that date.
Full details of the locos seen are listed below.
Zürich Flughafen
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
460.030 | IR2116 | 08:03 Konstanz - Biel/Bienne | 09:10 |
Zürich HB
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
460.107 | IC565 | 08:33 Basel SBB - Chur | 09:37 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
617 | RE1233 | 08:45 Disentis/Muster - Scuol-Tarasp | 10:40 |
3510 | RE1033 | 10:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 10:40 |
515 3508 3512 |
Stabled | 10:40 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
649 | RE1133 | 10:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 10:58 |
Chur West
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
648 | RE1128 | 09:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 11:00 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
516 | 1558 | 11:36 Thusis - Chur | 11:27 |
652 | RE1132 | 10:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 11:29 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
647 | RE1136 | 11:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 12:00 |
642 propelling |
1824 | 12:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 12:00 |
Landwasser Viaduct, N of Filisur
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
648 | RE1137 | 11:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 12:57 |
641 | RE1140 | 12:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 13:02 |
705 | 5135 | 10:40 Landquart - Pontresina Freight | 13:38 |
652 | RE1141 | 12:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 13:57 |
643 | RE1144 | 13:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 14:02 |
607 608 |
5152 | 13:28 Samedan - Landquart Freight | 14:28 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
647 | RE11:45 | 13:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 14:59 |
649 | RE1148 | 14:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 15:00 |
651 propelling |
1836 | 15:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 15:04 |
648 | RE1152 | 15:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 16:00 |
641 | RE1149 | 14:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 16:01 |
3506 | 1840 | 16:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 16:04 |
642 propelling |
1844 | 17:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 16:59 |
641 | RE1153 | 15:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 17:00 |
652 | RE1156 | 16:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 17:02 |
Thursday 17 February 2011
31/07/12 17:21 | Thu 17 Feb 2011
The weather forecast was best to the north and west so I headed for the lineside east of Ilanz for the morning. It took some time for the fog to lift but there was weak sunlight by the time 608 went past on 5225 and full sun when it returned on 5232. The good light continued for 604 on the westbound Glacier Express and 704 on eastbound freight 5236. All these trains had one thing in common - they ran early, something that continued through the day for virtually every freight I saw.
The Disentis - Scuol passengers were solid Ge4/4ii as expected, but two successive westbounds had locos defaced with adverts on the side. There are now no less than six Ge4/4iis vandalised in this way; 611, 615, 616, 617, 619 and 622.
At midday I moved, stopping briefly at Chur to attempt a shot of a Ge4/4ii running through the streets, then continued to Malans for the Ge4/4i returning from Jenaz on 5042. Unfortunately 5042 didn’t run and the sun didn’t play ball either. The afternoon Davos freight, 5047, comprised a single wagon hauled by 704.
Full details of all the locos seen are listed below.
The Disentis - Scuol passengers were solid Ge4/4ii as expected, but two successive westbounds had locos defaced with adverts on the side. There are now no less than six Ge4/4iis vandalised in this way; 611, 615, 616, 617, 619 and 622.
At midday I moved, stopping briefly at Chur to attempt a shot of a Ge4/4ii running through the streets, then continued to Malans for the Ge4/4i returning from Jenaz on 5042. Unfortunately 5042 didn’t run and the sun didn’t play ball either. The afternoon Davos freight, 5047, comprised a single wagon hauled by 704.
Full details of all the locos seen are listed below.
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
703 | 5120 | 06:29 Samedan - Landquart Freight | 07:10 |
3502 | 1808 | 08:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 07:58 |
643 | 1117 | 06:44 Chur - St. Moritz | 08:00 |
647 | RE1120 | 07:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 08:01 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
705 | 5113 | 05:26 Landquart - Pontresina Freight | 08:05 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
641 | RE1121 | 07:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 08:30 |
515 | 1552 | 08:36 Thusis - Chur | 08:31 |
703 | 5120 | 06:29 Samedan - Landquart Freight | 08:31 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
512 | 15:49 | 08:48 Chur - Thusis | 09:00 |
625 | RE1216 | 08:17 Landquart - Disentis/Muster | 09:05 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
631 | RE1233 | 08:45 Disentis/Muster - Scuol-Tarasp | 09:26 |
E of Ilanz
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
608 | 5225 | 08:50 Landquart - Ilanz Freight | 10:11 |
624 | RE1237 | 09:45 Disentis/Muster - Scuol-Tarasp | 10:25 |
615 | RE1220 | 07:38 Scuol-Tarasp - Disentis/Muster | 10:28 |
608 | 5232 | 11:03 Ilanz - Landquart Freight | 11:01 |
625 | RE1241 | 10:45 Disentis/Muster - Scuol-Tarasp | 11:25 |
617 | RE1224 | 08:40 Scuol-Tarasp - Disentis/Muster | 11:29 |
604 | 903 | 09:02 St. Moritz - Zermatt | 11:47 |
704 | 5236 | 10:25 Disentis/Muster - Landquart Freight | 11:50 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
628 | 5237 | 11:41 Landquart - Ilanz Freight | 12:12 |
615 | RE1245 | 11:45 Disentis/Muster - Scuol-Tarasp | 12:24 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
630 | RE12:28 | 09:40 Scuol-Tarasp - Disentis/Muster | 12:26 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
703 | 5243 | 12:10 Landquart - Disentis/Muster Freight | 12:50 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
641 | RE1141 | 12:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 12:58 |
614 | 1441 | 13:08 Chur - Arosa | 13:10 |
11118 | RE3830 | 13:22 Chur - St. Gallen | 13:14 |
643 | RE1145 | 13:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 13:16 |
S of Untervaz-Trimmis
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
626 | RE1236 | 11:40 Scuol-Tarasp - Disentis/Muster | 13:28 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
704 | 5047 | 14:15 Landquart - Davos Platz Freight | 13:38 |
3501 3508 3512 |
Stabled | 13:39 | |
702 | 5151 | 14:10 Landquart - Pontresina Freight | 13:40 |
3510 | RE1045 | 13:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 13:42 |
516 | 1521 | 13:32 Schiers - Rhäzüns | 13:45 |
E of Malans
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
631 | RE1240 | 12:40 Scuol-Tarasp - Disentis/Muster | 14:04 |
3505 | RE1040 | 13:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 14:07 |
514 | 1516 | 13:31 Rhäzüns - Schiers | 14:15 |
704 | 5047 | 14:15 Landquart - Davos Platz Freight | 14:17 |
514 | 1523 | 14:32 Schiers - Rhäzüns | 14:40 |
3505 | RE1049 | 14:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 14:50 |
617 | RE1249 | 12:45 Disentis/Muster - Scuol-Tarasp | 14:53 |
624 | RE1244 | 13:40 Scuol-Tarasp - Disentis/Muster | 15:05 |
3502 | RE1044 | 14:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 15:08 |
516 | 1518 | 14:31 Rhäzüns - Schiers | 15:17 |
516 | 1527 | 15:32 Schiers - Rhäzüns | 15:39 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3502 | RE1053 | 15:49 Landquart - Davos Platz | 15:49 |
630 | RE1253 | 13:45 Disentis/Muster - Scuol-Tarasp | 15:51 |
W of Schiers
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
625 | RE1248 | 14:40 Scuol-Tarasp - Disentis/Muster | 15:59 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
651 mid train |
RE1048 | 15:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 16:01 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
613 | RE1350 | 14:35 St. Moritz - Landquart | 16:13 |
Klosters Dorf
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
615 | RE1252 | 15:40 Scuol-Tarasp - Disentis/Muster | 16:30 |
642 mid train |
RE1052 | 16:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 16:37 |
610 | 843 | 16:44 Klosters Dorf - Davos Platz | 16:44 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
602 | 842 | 16:32 Davos Platz - Landquart | 16:57 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
704 | 5054 | 16:44 Davos Platz - Landquart Freight | 17:04 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3510 | RE1056 | 17:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 17:11 |
Davos Platz
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3502 | 1845 | 17:31 Davos Platz - Filisur | 17:31 |
Friday 18 February 2011
31/07/12 17:21 | Fri 18 Feb 2011
With 602 working Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp trains and a good forecast for the Engadin, I headed for S-chanf to have another go at a shot I’d tried umpteen times before but never got in good light with a Ge4/4i. The light was brilliant in the Engadin at 09:15 but by 09:45 it was looking a bit dodgy and by the time 602 passed at 10:30 it was dull. I moved on to Zernez where the sun came out but only between trains. Another move to Pontresina produced nothing in the way of pictures. Overall a very disappointing day with no shots in sun.
Apart from 602, other sightings of interest were 603 on the early morning mixed from Chur to Samedan, observed from the comfort of my hotel room, 605 on the Bergün - Preda shuttles and 702, 704, 705, 706 on various freights.
Full details of all the locos seen are listed below.
Apart from 602, other sightings of interest were 603 on the early morning mixed from Chur to Samedan, observed from the comfort of my hotel room, 605 on the Bergün - Preda shuttles and 702, 704, 705, 706 on various freights.
Full details of all the locos seen are listed below.
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
603 | 4109 | 04:58 Chur - Samedan Mixed | 06:12 |
702 | 5120 | 06:29 Samedan - Landquart Freight | 07:10 |
3505 | 1808 | 08:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 07:59 |
641 | RE1120 | 07:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 08:00 |
647 | 1117 | 06:44 Chur - St. Moritz | 08:02 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
643 | RE1124 | 08:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 08:32 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
622 propelling |
1917 | 08:03 Sagliains - Pontresina | 08:50 |
605 propelling |
850 | 08:52 Samedan - Bergün | 08:51 |
603 3513 |
Stabled | 08:51 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3503 | 1617 | 08:45 St. Moritz - Tirano | 08:58 |
3506 | 1628 | 07:33 Poschiavo - St. Moritz | 08:58 |
622 | 1928 | 09:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 09:02 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
652 | RE1128 | 09:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 09:10 |
618 propelling |
849 | 08:55 S-chanf - St. Moritz | 09:11 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
602 propelling |
1921 | 08:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 09:28 |
W of S-chanf
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
618 | 8950 | 09:24 St. Moritz - S-chanf | 09:47 |
618 propelling |
853 | 09:55 S-chanf - Celerina | 09:56 |
612 propelling |
1925 | 09:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 10:26 |
602 | 1932 | 10:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 10:31 |
627 | RE1327 | 09:20 Landquart - St. Moritz | 10:54 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
622 propelling |
1929 | 10:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 11:23 |
612 | 1936 | 11:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 11:30 |
W of Zernez
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
602 propelling |
1933 | 11:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 12:08 |
617 | RE1335 | 11:20 Landquart - St. Moritz | 12:33 |
622 | 1940 | 12:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 12:47 |
612 propelling |
1937 | 12:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 13:09 |
602 | 1944 | 13:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 13:48 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
622 propelling |
1941 | 13:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 14:08 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
612 | 1948 | 14:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 14:28 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
704 | Stabled | 14:43 | |
647 | RE1141 | 12:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 14:44 |
617 | RE1350 | 14:35 St. Moritz - Landquart | 14:44 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3503 | 1652 | 12:50 Tirano - St. Moritz | 15:02 |
622 | 1952 | 15:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 15:04 |
706 | 5954 | 15:25 Pontresina - Samedan Freight | 15:17 |
53 56 |
1656 | 14:24 Poschiavo - St. Moritz | 15:48 |
3503 | 1645 | 15:45 St. Moritz - Tirano | 15:54 |
602 propelling |
1945 | 14:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 15:56 |
602 | 1956 | 16:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 16:02 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
706 | 5164 | 17:24 Samedan - Landquart Freight | 16:12 |
647 | RE1156 | 16:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 16:16 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
649 | RE1149 | 14:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 16:32 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
605 | 883 | 17:46 Bergün - Preda | 16:48 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3501 | 1844 | 17:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 16:59 |
641 | RE1153 | 15:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 17:00 |
705 | 5155 | 15:41 Landquart - Pontresina Freight | 17:17 |
Saturday 19 February 2011
31/07/12 17:21 | Sat 19 Feb 2011
An excellent day from start to finish with wall-to-wall sunshine virtually all day and a number of interesting workings to photograph. I had intended to try some shots around Cavadürli on the Klosters - Davos line but half the trains that are supposed to be loco hauled were booked to be worked by units. Instead I headed to the Engadin, spending an hour or so near Bever before heading for S-chanf and walking back to Madulain then travelling on to Zernez in the early afternoon. As well as 602 working a couple of Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp trains, 609 worked RE1327 from Landquart to St. Moritz but went back mid-train on RE1342. 704 worked RE1335 from Landquart to St. Moritz, formed of six Panoramawagen, and RE1350 back.
Full details of all the locos seen are listed below.
Full details of all the locos seen are listed below.
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3501 | 1808 | 08:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 07:57 |
648 | RE1120 | 07:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 07:59 |
650 | 1117 | 06:44 Chur - St. Moritz | 08:00 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
647 | RE1124 | 08:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 08:32 |
W of Bever
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
605 propelling |
850 | 08:52 Samedan - Bergün | 08:56 |
612 propelling |
849 | 08:55 S-chanf - St. Moritz | 09:09 |
618 | 1928 | 09:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 09:15 |
652 | RE1128 | 09:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 09:19 |
612 | 8850 | 09:24 St. Moritz - S-chanf Empty Stock | 09:32 |
622 propelling |
1921 | 08:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 09:42 |
643 | RE1121 | 07:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 09:45 |
612 propelling |
853 | 09:55 S-chanf - Celerina | 10:08 |
622 | 1932 | 10:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 10:18 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
602 propelling |
1925 | 09:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 10:29 |
W of S-chanf
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
609 | RE1327 | 09:20 Landquart - St. Moritz | 10:57 |
618 propelling |
1929 | 10:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 11:26 |
602 | 1936 | 11:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 11:31 |
E of Madulain
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
618 | 1940 | 12:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 12:23 |
622 propelling |
1933 | 11:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 12:34 |
609 mid train |
RE1342 | 12:26 St. Moritz - Landquart | 12:48 |
704 | RE1335 | 11:20 Landquart - St. Moritz | 13:02 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
622 | 1944 | 13:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 13:23 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
602 propelling |
1937 | 12:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 13:33 |
W of Zernez
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
618 propelling |
1941 | 13:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 14:18 |
631 | RE1343 | 13:20 Landquart - St. Moritz | 14:40 |
602 | 1948 | 14:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 14:50 |
622 propelling |
1945 | 14:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 15:15 |
704 | RE1350 | 14:35 St. Moritz - Landquart | 15:26 |
618 | 1952 | 15:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 15:46 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
602 propelling |
1949 | 15:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 16:08 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
612 propelling |
8951 | 16:35 S-chanf - Samedan Empty Stock | 16:28 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
622 | 1956 | 16:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 16:31 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
631 | RE1358 | 16:35 St. Moritz - Landquart | 16:45 |
703 | 5162 | 17:24 Samedan - Landquart Freight | 16:45 |
649 | RE1149 | 14:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 16:50 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3504 | 1660 | 14:50 Tirano - St. Moritz | 17:00 |
602 | 1960 | 17:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 17:02 |
55 | Stabled | 17:02 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
643 | RE1160 | 17:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 17:13 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
648 | RE1153 | 15:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 17:34 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
605 | 883 | 17:46 Bergün - Preda | 17:49 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3501 | 1848 | 18:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 18:00 |
647 | RE1157 | 16:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 18:03 |
648 | 1168 | 19:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 19:57 |
3511 | 1856 | 20:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 20:00 |
650 | RE1165 | 18:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 20:02 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
605 | 895 | 20:46 Bergün - Samedan | 20:40 |
647 | 1172 | 20:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 20:48 |
Sunday 20 February 2011
31/07/12 17:21 | Sun 20 Feb 2011
What a contrast to Saturday. The wall to wall sunshine was replaced by wall to wall cloud and, from mid-morning, continuous snowfall. I went to Klosters first, in the vain hope that there might be some sun for 607 and 603, coming up the bank on RE1327. Not a chance, my first, and almost certainly last, pair of Ge4/4is on a passenger train passed in gloomy conditions.
With no prospect of any sun I decided to check out a few potential photspots near Cavadürli. With a Ge4/4i booked up the hill every hour on the Klosters - Davos Sportzüge, there should have been plenty to practice on. In the event it was 3 hours before I saw a Ge4/4i come up the hill. The first train I was expecting, hauled by 610, just didn’t appear. The next one was a suburban set, presumably a replacement for 610, and finally, the third train was hauled by 609. It was snowing very heavily by then, so I gave up for the day and went back to Filisur to warm up.
Things took a strange turn there with 616 appearing at 16:29 on the 16:35 Bergün - Chur, having covered the 9km from Bergün in -6 minutes. Now that’s fast! There was no indication anywhere of a retiming, including the departure board at Bergün. Then the 17:04 to Davos waited 20 minutes for passengers off the Bernina Express, a train that’s not due to connect. I hope none of the delayed passengers needed to make the booked 3 minute connection into the 17:32 from Davos.
With no prospect of any sun I decided to check out a few potential photspots near Cavadürli. With a Ge4/4i booked up the hill every hour on the Klosters - Davos Sportzüge, there should have been plenty to practice on. In the event it was 3 hours before I saw a Ge4/4i come up the hill. The first train I was expecting, hauled by 610, just didn’t appear. The next one was a suburban set, presumably a replacement for 610, and finally, the third train was hauled by 609. It was snowing very heavily by then, so I gave up for the day and went back to Filisur to warm up.
Things took a strange turn there with 616 appearing at 16:29 on the 16:35 Bergün - Chur, having covered the 9km from Bergün in -6 minutes. Now that’s fast! There was no indication anywhere of a retiming, including the departure board at Bergün. Then the 17:04 to Davos waited 20 minutes for passengers off the Bernina Express, a train that’s not due to connect. I hope none of the delayed passengers needed to make the booked 3 minute connection into the 17:32 from Davos.
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
652 | RE1120 | 07:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 07:59 |
647 | 1117 | 06:44 Chur - St. Moritz | 08:01 |
3505 | 1808 | 08:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 08:04 |
Davos Platz
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3511 | 1809 | 08:31 Davos Platz - Filisur | 08:28 |
642 | RE1021 | 07:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 08:54 |
3505 | RE1024 | 09:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 09:02 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
609 | 811 | 07:52 Landquart - Davos Platz | 09:12 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3502 | RE1025 | 08:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 09:30 |
628 | 12:25 | 06:45 Disentis/Muster - Scuol-Tarasp | 09:35 |
610 | 815 | 08:52 Landquart - Davos Platz | 09:47 |
607 603 |
RE1327 | 09:20 Landquart - St. Moritz | 10:00 |
609 propelling |
814 | 09:32 Davos Platz - Klosters Dorf | 10:07 |
609 | 8027 | 10:15 Klosters Dorf - Klosters Empty Stock | 10:14 |
617 | RE1228 | 09:40 Scuol-Tarasp - Disentis/Muster | 10:25 |
Klosters Dorf
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
613 | RE1229 | 07:45 Disentis/Muster - Scuol-Tarasp | 10:30 |
3511 | RE1028 | 10:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 10:36 |
609 propelling |
8030 | 10:35 Klosters - Klosters Dorf Empty Stock | 10:39 |
609 | 819 | 10:44 Klosters Dorf - Davos Platz | 10:44 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
610 propelling |
818 | 10:32 Davos Platz - Klosters Dorf | 10:55 |
642 mid train |
RE1032 | 11:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 11:29 |
3505 | RE1033 | 10:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 11:39 |
609 propelling |
822 | 11:32 Davos Platz - Klosters Dorf | 12:02 |
3502 | RE1036 | 12:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 12:23 |
3511 | RE1037 | 11:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 12:34 |
512 | 827 | 12:44 Klosters Dorf - Davos Platz | 13:03 |
3501 | RE1040 | 13:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 13:28 |
642 | RE1041 | 12:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 13:40 |
609 | 831 | 13:44 Klosters Dorf - Davos Platz | 13:53 |
512 propelling |
830 | 13:32 Davos Platz - Klosters Dorf | 14:04 |
3505 | RE1044 | 14:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 14:23 |
3502 | RE1045 | 13:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 14:37 |
609 propelling |
834 | 14:32 Davos Platz - Klosters Dorf | 14:55 |
512 | 835 | 14:44 Klosters Dorf - Davos Platz | 14:57 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3511 | RE1048 | 15:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 15:12 |
Davos Platz
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3502 | 18:37 | 15:31 Davos Platz - Filisur | 15:31 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
649 | RE1152 | 15:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 16:00 |
643 | RE1149 | 14:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 16:01 |
616 propelling |
858 | 16:35 Bergün - Chur | 16:29 |
652 | RE1153 | 15:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 17:01 |
647 | RE1156 | 16:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 17:04 |
3504 | 952 | 14:04 Tirano - Chur | 17:20 |
648 | RE1160 | 17:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 18:00 |
650 | RE1157 | 16:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 18:01 |
647 | RE1165 | 18:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 20:01 |
642 propelling |
1856 | 20:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 20:02 |
652 | 1168 | 19:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 20:02 |
642 propelling |
1860 | 21:07 Filisur - Davos Platz | 21:00 |
650 | 1172 | 20:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 21:00 |
648 | 1169 | 19:56 Chur - St. Moritz | 21:05 |
Monday 21 February 2011
31/07/12 17:21 | Mon 21 Feb 2011
The best chance of getting some sun appeared to be in the Engadin and there were a few breaks in the cloud there first thing in the morning and during the middle of the afternoon. None of them coincided with trains though. I started at Bever and worked my way south to Pontresina via Samedan and Punt Muragl during the day.
604 worked 4109 as booked and was photographed at Filisur in the dark at 06:10, the best lit shot I got all day. 605 worked the Bergün - Preda shuttles yet again, as it has every day since I arrived, and 602 continued on the Engadin push-pulls for its fourth and final day.
Everything seen was in line with the plan and the only surprise was finding ABe4/4ii motor coach 48 waiting at Pontresina at lunchtime. Closer inspection revealed it was on its way to Landquart, presumably to be refitted as a departmental unit. It was later seen leaving Pontresina in the consist of freight 5954 behind 703. 48 is one of the lucky ones. It looks like most of its classmates were scrapped almost as soon as they were withdrawn. No doubt a similar fate awaits most of the Ge4/4is.
604 worked 4109 as booked and was photographed at Filisur in the dark at 06:10, the best lit shot I got all day. 605 worked the Bergün - Preda shuttles yet again, as it has every day since I arrived, and 602 continued on the Engadin push-pulls for its fourth and final day.
Everything seen was in line with the plan and the only surprise was finding ABe4/4ii motor coach 48 waiting at Pontresina at lunchtime. Closer inspection revealed it was on its way to Landquart, presumably to be refitted as a departmental unit. It was later seen leaving Pontresina in the consist of freight 5954 behind 703. 48 is one of the lucky ones. It looks like most of its classmates were scrapped almost as soon as they were withdrawn. No doubt a similar fate awaits most of the Ge4/4is.
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
604 | 4109 | 04:58 Chur - Samedan Mixed | 06:09 |
3501 | 1808 | 08:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 07:58 |
643 | RE1120 | 07:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 08:00 |
652 | 1117 | 06:44 Chur - St. Moritz | 08:02 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
647 | RE1124 | 08:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 08:30 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
602 propelling |
1917 | 08:03 Sagliains - Pontresina | 08:45 |
605 propelling |
850 | 08:52 Samedan - Bergün | 08:55 |
622 propelling |
849 | 08:55 S-chanf - St. Moritz | 09:10 |
602 | 1928 | 09:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 09:16 |
650 | RE1128 | 09:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 09:19 |
706 | 5113 | 05:26 Landquart - Pontresina Freight | 09:21 |
619 propelling |
1921 | 08:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 09:37 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
648 | RE1121 | 07:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 09:50 |
W of Samedan
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
652 | RE1132 | 10:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 10:07 |
622 propelling |
853 | 09:55 S-chanf - Celerina | 10:14 |
622 | 8854 | 10:25 Celerina - Samedan | 10:21 |
604 | RE1125 | 08:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 10:56 |
Punt Muragl
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
602 propelling |
1929 | 10:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 11:54 |
602 | 1940 | 12:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 12:04 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3502 | 1633 | 12:45 St. Moritz - Tirano | 13:54 |
618 propelling |
1937 | 12:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 13:56 |
3510 | 1648 | 12:24 Poschiavo - St. Moritz | 13:58 |
618 | 1948 | 14:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 14:03 |
703 | 5135 | 10:40 Landquart - Pontresina Freight | 14:54 |
602 propelling |
1941 | 13:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 15:01 |
3509 | 1652 | 12:50 Tirano - St. Moritz | 15:02 |
602 | 1952 | 15:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 15:07 |
703 | 5954 | 15:25 Pontresina - Samedan Freight | 15:29 |
3507 | 1656 | 14:24 Poschiavo - St. Moritz | 15:46 |
3509 | 1645 | 15:45 St. Moritz - Tirano | 15:58 |
619 | 1956 | 16:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 16:02 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
704 | Stabled | 16:09 | |
652 | RE1156 | 16:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 16:10 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
605 | 8875 | 16:11 Preda - Samedan Empty Stock | 16:25 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
649 | RE1149 | 14:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 16:31 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
707 | 5151 | 14:10 Landquart - Pontresina Freight | 16:54 |
Tuesday 22 February 2011
31/07/12 17:21 | Tue 22 Feb 2011
Weatherwise a very similar day to Monday but with one important difference, I got a shot in one of the few sunny breaks and it was of a Ge4/4i at a location I really wanted. One sunny shot in three days is nothing to write home about but at least it was a shot worth having.
Like Monday, the day started with a trip to the Engadin where 605 was seen leaving Samedan for Preda with the Schlittelzug. Up at Pontresina the morning freight was a disappointment. 703 had only two wagons in tow and it passed in poor light. The walk down to Samedan was a lot easier than the previous day’s walk in the opposite direction and 608 was subsequently bagged leaving town with RE1125 in good light.
With 602 replaced on the Engadin push-pulls by the hideous 611, I set off in search of something worth photting. It was dull and snowing heavily around Preda and Bergün so no point in trying some shots of 605 on the Schlittelzüge. On to the Davos - Klosters line where 609 and 610 were working the Sportzüge and where it was snowing heavily and most of the route was in low cloud. Again no point in stopping. On through the Vereina tunnel to Sagliains, where it was bright and didn’t look like it had snowed for weeks. Unfortunately there was nothing worth photting there so it was back up the valley to Pontresina to try the afternoon freight. When I arrived it was sunny and snowing gently. Just over ten minutes later 704 left, again with a miserable two wagons, in gloomy light and with a blizzard raging.
You can’t win them all but it’s nice to win one for a change.
Like Monday, the day started with a trip to the Engadin where 605 was seen leaving Samedan for Preda with the Schlittelzug. Up at Pontresina the morning freight was a disappointment. 703 had only two wagons in tow and it passed in poor light. The walk down to Samedan was a lot easier than the previous day’s walk in the opposite direction and 608 was subsequently bagged leaving town with RE1125 in good light.
With 602 replaced on the Engadin push-pulls by the hideous 611, I set off in search of something worth photting. It was dull and snowing heavily around Preda and Bergün so no point in trying some shots of 605 on the Schlittelzüge. On to the Davos - Klosters line where 609 and 610 were working the Sportzüge and where it was snowing heavily and most of the route was in low cloud. Again no point in stopping. On through the Vereina tunnel to Sagliains, where it was bright and didn’t look like it had snowed for weeks. Unfortunately there was nothing worth photting there so it was back up the valley to Pontresina to try the afternoon freight. When I arrived it was sunny and snowing gently. Just over ten minutes later 704 left, again with a miserable two wagons, in gloomy light and with a blizzard raging.
You can’t win them all but it’s nice to win one for a change.
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3505 | 1808 | 08:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 07:56 |
648 | RE1120 | 07:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 07:58 |
643 | 1117 | 06:44 Chur - St. Moritz | 08:02 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
652 | RE1124 | 08:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 08:30 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
622 propelling |
1917 | 08:03 Sagliains - Pontresina | 08:50 |
605 propelling |
850 | 08:52 Samedan - Bergün | 08:51 |
608 | Stabled | 08:51 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3502 | 1628 | 07:33 Poschiavo - St. Moritz | 09:02 |
622 | 1928 | 09:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 09:04 |
703 | 5113 | 05:26 Landquart - Pontresina Freight | 09:46 |
611 propelling |
1921 | 08:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 09:56 |
56 53 |
1632 | 07:40 Tirano - St. Moritz | 10:02 |
611 | 1932 | 10:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 10:04 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
608 | RE1125 | 08:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 10:54 |
619 | 1936 | 11:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 11:09 |
649 | RE1136 | 11:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 11:11 |
633 | RE1327 | 09:20 Landquart - St. Moritz | 11:13 |
703 | 5140 | 10:33 Pontresina - Landquart Freight | 11:17 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
648 | RE1129 | 09:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 11:33 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
702 | 5129 | 10:04 Chur - Samedan Freight | 11:48 |
605 | 859 | 11:46 Bergün - Preda | 11:48 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
652 | RE1133 | 10:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 12:00 |
3509 | 1824 | 12:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 12:04 |
Davos Platz
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3505 | 1825 | 12:31 Davos Platz - Filisur | 12:30 |
609 propelling |
826 | 12:32 Davos Platz - Klosters Dorf | 12:32 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
641 | RE1037 | 11:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 12:45 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
610 | 827 | 12:44 Klosters Dorf - Davos Platz | 12:58 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
609 | 8039 | 13:15 Klosters Dorf - Klosters Empty Stock | 13:14 |
625 | RE1240 | 12:40 Scuol-Tarasp - Disentis/Muster | 13:22 |
642 | RE1041 | 12:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 13:24 |
3509 | RE1040 | 13:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 13:25 |
612 | RE1241 | 10:45 Disentis/Muster - Scuol-Tarasp | 13:34 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
644 propelling |
4828 | 13:50 Sagliains - Selfranga Car Shuttle | 13:52 |
622 propelling |
1941 | 13:34 Scuol-Tarasp - Pontresina | 13:54 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
611 | 1944 | 13:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 13:58 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
619 | 1948 | 14:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 14:28 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
631 | RE1350 | 14:35 St. Moritz - Landquart | 14:44 |
643 | RE1141 | 12:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 14:45 |
702 | Stabled | 14:45 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3506 | 1652 | 12:50 Tirano - St. Moritz | 15:02 |
622 | 1952 | 15:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 15:03 |
704 | 5954 | 15:25 Pontresina - Samedan Freight | 15:09 |
3510 | 1656 | 14:24 Poschiavo - St. Moritz | 15:50 |
3506 | 1645 | 15:45 St. Moritz - Tirano | 15:55 |
611 | 1956 | 16:02 Pontresina - Scuol-Tarasp | 16:02 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
643 | RE1156 | 16:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 16:12 |
702 | 5966 | 18:48 Samedan - Scuol-Tarasp Freight | 16:14 |
704 | 5164 | 17:24 Samedan - Landquart Freight | 16:14 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
650 | RE1149 | 14:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 16:32 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
605 | 883 | 17:46 Bergün - Preda | 16:49 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
648 | RE1153 | 15:58 Chur - St. Moritz | 16:59 |
706 | 5151 | 14:10 Landquart - Pontresina Freight | 17:15 |
Wednesday 23 February 2011
31/07/12 17:21 | Wed 23 Feb 2011
My final day on the RhB and I still hadn’t got the Cavadürli and Klosters shots to my satisfaction. Fortunately Klosters was a convenient place to finish the trip so that’s where I headed. The forecast was good and for once reality was significantly better than the predicted 50 - 80% sun. There was fresh snow on the ground and the trees were coated in white. In short, perfect photographic conditions all day long.
The wee beasties were in fine form as well with 609 and 610 trundling up and down the bank every hour on the Sportzüge, every half hour between Klosters and Klosters Dorf with the empty stock workings.
It’s sad to think that the Ge4/4is will finish in a couple of weeks time but, for me at least, they’ve gone out on a high.
The wee beasties were in fine form as well with 609 and 610 trundling up and down the bank every hour on the Sportzüge, every half hour between Klosters and Klosters Dorf with the empty stock workings.
It’s sad to think that the Ge4/4is will finish in a couple of weeks time but, for me at least, they’ve gone out on a high.
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
607 | 4109 | 04:58 Chur - Samedan Mixed | 06:10 |
647 | 1114 | 05:40 St. Moritz - Chur | 06:31 |
706 | 5120 | 06:29 Samedan - Landquart Freight | 07:25 |
649 | RE1120 | 07:02 St. Moritz - Chur | 07:58 |
648 | 1117 | 06:44 Chur - St. Moritz | 08:01 |
3509 | 1808 | 08:04 Filisur - Davos Platz | 08:04 |
Davos Platz
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
642 | 1809 | 08:31 Davos Platz - Filisur | 08:29 |
627 | 5026 | 08:44 Davos Platz - Landquart Freight | 08:30 |
641 | RE1021 | 07:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 08:56 |
3509 | RE1024 | 09:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 09:02 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
609 | 811 | 07:52 Landquart - Davos Platz | 09:11 |
N of Klosters
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
610 | 815 | 08:52 Landquart - Davos Platz | 09:45 |
627 | 5026 | 08:44 Davos Platz - Landquart Freight | 09:48 |
617 | RE1327 | 09:20 Landquart - St. Moritz | 10:00 |
609 propelling |
814 | 09:32 Davos Platz - Klosters Dorf | 10:08 |
609 | 8027 | 10:15 Klosters Dorf - Klosters Empty Stock | 10:14 |
3506 | RE1029 | 09:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 10:22 |
631 | RE1228 | 09:40 Scuol-Tarasp - Disentis/Muster | 10:27 |
612 | RE1229 | 07:45 Disentis/Muster - Scuol-Tarasp | 10:31 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
609 | 819 | 10:44 Klosters Dorf - Davos Platz | 10:47 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
610 propelling |
818 | 10:32 Davos Platz - Klosters Dorf | 10:58 |
641 mid train |
RE1032 | 11:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 11:24 |
3501 | RE1033 | 10:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 11:34 |
610 | 823 | 11:44 Klosters Dorf - Davos Platz | 11:55 |
609 propelling |
822 | 11:32 Davos Platz - Klosters Dorf | 11:59 |
3505 | RE1036 | 12:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 12:21 |
642 | RE1037 | 11:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 12:34 |
609 | 827 | 12:44 Klosters Dorf - Davos Platz | 12:56 |
610 propelling |
826 | 12:32 Davos Platz - Klosters Dorf | 12:59 |
641 | RE1041 | 12:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 13:32 |
610 | 831 | 13:44 Klosters Dorf - Davos Platz | 13:56 |
609 propelling |
830 | 13:32 Davos Platz - Klosters Dorf | 13:59 |
N of Klosters
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
609 | 8043 | 14:15 Klosters Dorf - Klosters Empty Stock | 14:12 |
609 propelling |
8046 | 14:35 Klosters - Klosters Dorf Empty Stock | 14:37 |
609 | 835 | 14:44 Klosters Dorf - Davos Platz | 14:46 |
707 | 5047 | 14:15 Landquart - Davos Platz Freight | 15:01 |
610 propelling |
834 | 14:32 Davos Platz - Klosters Dorf | 15:07 |
610 | 8047 | 15:15 Klosters Dorf - Klosters Empty Stock | 15:12 |
3506 | RE1049 | 14:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 15:23 |
633 | RE1248 | 14:40 Scuol-Tarasp - Disentis/Muster | 15:26 |
613 | RE1249 | 12:45 Disentis/Muster - Scuol-Tarasp | 15:30 |
642 mid train |
RE1048 | 15:02 Davos Platz - Landquart | 15:34 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
610 | 839 | 15:44 Klosters Dorf - Davos Platz | 15:46 |
624 | RE1350 | 14:35 St. Moritz - Landquart | 15:54 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
3501 | RE1053 | 15:47 Landquart - Davos Platz | 16:10 |
631 | RE1253 | 13:45 Disentis/Muster - Scuol-Tarasp | 16:14 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
514 | 1520 | 15:31 Rhäzüns - Schiers | 16:25 |
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
460.024 | IC577 | 14:33 Zürich HB - Chur | 16:40 |
11151 | IC10788 | 16:39 Chur - Zürich HB | 16:49 |
Zürich HB
Loco | Train No. |
Train Details | Notes |
460.085 | Zürich Flughafen | 18:01 |