600 Gotthardbahn
  ( 96 images )

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The Gotthardbahn combined the superb scenery of the Swiss Alps with heavy passenger and freight traffic, making it a prime target for photography. The Gotthard Base Tunnel opened in 2016, since when the mountain route has seen few freights or loco hauled passenger trains.
The climb from Erstfeld to Göschenen is particularly photogenic and involves a climb of over 600m vertically, several spirals and horseshoe curves, viaducts, tunnels and avalanche shelters. In addition to the standard SBB classes, the Gotthard also saw locos from other operators, principally BLS, Crossrail and DB, adding considerable variety.
page : 1009
WK000 : 2024-12-09
CS000 : 2022-09-12
CK000 : 2022-09-12
GS000 : 2022-09-12
GK000 : 2022-09-12


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