Classes 840 to 843 and 203 are single-cab Bo-Bo diesel locomotives of various designs used for shunting, trip working and tunnel fire-fighting trains by SBB and SBB Cargo. Although the network is electrified, there is still a requirement for locos that can work unelectrified sidings or on lines where the power is off.
Class 840 is a diesel-electric introduced in 1960 and rated at 830hp. SLM built 46 locos but many are now withdrawn.
Class 841 is a diesel-electric based on the RENFE Class 311 and rated at 1230hp. Alsthom built 40 for SBB at their plant in Valencia in 1996-97. There are plans to convert some Class 841s to hybrid locos capable of working off the 15kV overhead, batteries or a diesel engine.
Classes 842 and 843 are standard Vossloh diesel-hydraulic designs of types G1000 and G1700 respectively. SBB acquired 5 Class 842 and BLS also has one, numbered as a Class 845. SBB have 76 Class 843, BLS have 3 and 5 work for SERSA, a track construction and maintenance company.
Class 203 consists of 2 rebuilt ex-DR V100 diesel-hydraulics.
Class 841 is a diesel-electric based on the RENFE Class 311 and rated at 1230hp. Alsthom built 40 for SBB at their plant in Valencia in 1996-97. There are plans to convert some Class 841s to hybrid locos capable of working off the 15kV overhead, batteries or a diesel engine.
Classes 842 and 843 are standard Vossloh diesel-hydraulic designs of types G1000 and G1700 respectively. SBB acquired 5 Class 842 and BLS also has one, numbered as a Class 845. SBB have 76 Class 843, BLS have 3 and 5 work for SERSA, a track construction and maintenance company.
Class 203 consists of 2 rebuilt ex-DR V100 diesel-hydraulics.