Storming Through Shagoutai
Fifty kilometers of 1 in 50 gradients severely limited the speed of passenger trains on the climb to Wushaoling. The only level sections were through the stations and the drivers tended to keep the power on all the way through. As a result, trains would accelerate rapidly for a short distance before hitting the grade again. QJ 1360 and QJ 1279 had worked train 70 up to a good speed through Shagoutai when they were photographed on the last day of 1989. The start of the 1 in 50 is clearly visible between the second and third coaches. By the time the last coach had passed, most of additional speed had been lost again.
camera : Pentax 6x7
lens : 105mm f/2.4
focal length : 105 (52.5mm 35mm eq)
shutter : 1/500 sec
aperture : f/8
ISO : 200 ISO
original : 6x7 TMY TMax 400
Loco / Unit : QJ.1360, QJ.1279
Train : 70, 23:00 Wulumuqi - Beijing passenger
Location : Shagoutai
Line : Tianzhu Area - Lanzhou - Wuweinan line
Country : China
Date & Time : 31/12/1989 11:18